Care of plants ABOUT US page

Going green is something we at Care of Plants are very thrilled about! We think that because they bring beauty, encourage calm, and filter the air, plants can improve our quality of life. We are here to be your one-stop shop for anything plant-related, whether you are an enthusiastic beginner or an experienced plant parent.

Our Mission

Our goal is to make caring for plants pleasurable and accessible to anyone. To do this, we

• Disseminating trustworthy plant knowledge: We offer current, accurate information on a large range of plants, including exotic and common houseplants. 

• Providing helpful growth guides: We simplify complicated plant maintenance into simple stages, including advice on watering, lighting, propagation, and other topics.

• Building a network of support: We cultivate an environment in which plant lovers can interact, exchange stories, and gain knowledge from one another.

What People Are Saying About Care of Plants

What People Are Saying About Care of Plants

The Team

A collection of passionate gardeners from many origins is called Care of Plants. Plants are our passion. Our talented horticulturists, creative graphic designers, and enthusiastic bloggers share this love. 

Join the Greenery

We encourage you to browse our website and experience the delight of taking care of your own urban jungle. We can assist you whether you're looking for ideas for your ideal plant shelf or advice on how to revive a wilting succulent.